So you’re looking to hire a writer. Not some kid who needs handholding, but a seasoned pro. Someone who gets it.
Someone who gets it done.
I’m Steven Wilson, LA-based writer / producer who's created
award-winning work for just about everyone. Seriously. Large agencies, boutiques, TV networks, movie studios, start-ups—
you name it, I've worked it, touching virtually every category: Entertainment. Automotive. Health & Beauty. Fast Food. CE. CPG.
But experience alone isn’t the reason to hire me.
What I bring to the table is a passion for the big idea. A smart headline. A concept that shoulders a limitless campaign. An idea
that translates into millions of dollars in sales.
And I know how to translate that idea into a commercial. Promo. Award-winning print campaign. Web video. Sizzle. My Story.
These cute thumbnails to the right? They're examples of work I've produced over the course of 25 fun and creative years. (Yeah it’s older than dirt. But at the time it was pay dirt, so there's that...)
For more, check out my resume.
Here's looking to the next 25 years.